Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School

Yesterday was Cade's 1st day of 2nd grade... He had pancakes for breakfast and thank goodness because he needed the energy. He had to run all the way to the bus. The schedule said 8:13 and the bus came at 8:03. He had a full book bag too. So you can say that the 2nd grade started out with a bang!

Carson and I went into Mechanicburg to the post office. We ended up going to the library. Where we good two books on pumpkins (Carson's selections) and I got Cade a Dr.Suess book and James and the Gaint Peach for me and him to read at night before bed. I of course got a book on Photography... I am always looking for new ideas.

Got home and to work I went... I had two seniors that I needed to finish editing.

Cade didn't get off the bus until after 5:00... Way to late we will see how late he is today. We only live 10 minutes if that from the school. He was happy and says that he loves 2nd grade. So I would say that is a good sign.

Took pictures of my pumpkins... I am so excited they are growing. I planted a green pumpkin, cinderella pumpkins, and apple guords. I haven't seen any sign of the guords yet but I have two green pumpkins, one cinderella pumpkin, and tons of blooms. We will see!!!

Had to take Ace to the vet today to have his leg looked at and his vacinations. I would say it went rather well. He weighed 86 pounds last time and now weighed in at 93 pounds ouch! Went to Mom and Dad's for a while since I was in Bellefontaine. Then headed home... the boys have soccer and football practice today and I am probably going to open house at the school and get some work done while I have the Mom time.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Hey Carey...loved your blog. I am excited for your pumpkins..if you can grow them it sure beats searching them out and buying them. You planted neat varieties. I will be coming back with Steve, so I will see you sometime during the visit. You girls are my favorite part about coming back! Life is busy...for us all..but I think we wouldn't want it any other way. See you soon..!!!