Tuesday, August 18, 2009

July/ August

Well since I only seem to post every other month.... Life just seems to be flying by. Life at the Manley house is none stop. Baseball ended and Football began, and we are just as involved. We have practice Mon-Thurs 6-8 pm. So soon as Robby gets home from work it is time for practice. We have a quick dinner when we get home at 8:30 and then showers and time for bed. Next week school starts so there will be little time for anything. I finally finished school shopping, Mom is going to take Cade tomorrow for the rest of his school supplies. She took Carson a couple of weeks ago.


This month seem to come and go. Finished baseball and had alittle time off before football started. Robby and I had our 10th anniversary. Mom and Dad kept the boys and we had dinner with Rhonda and Tony and then went and saw the new Harry Potter movie. Robby's birthday was the 26th and we went to church and then he went golfing with the guys. Then met for dinner at O'Charles. Mom and Dad's birthday was the 27th and 28th. Mom got a surprise on her birthday. Derick and Kayreen had their baby. Nathan Lane was born 5lb. 14oz., just alittle early. He wasn't due until August 25th. He is doing fine. Cade and I went to see him last Friday. He is just so tiny, but oh so cute. One more to go and I can't wait!
It started out with a great weekend! We took Cade for his 8th birthday to Fort Rapids water park. We had a great time! It is hard to believe my baby is growing up. I can still remember when we was born. He is going in the 3rd grade this year and Carson is going to Kindergarden. My boys are growing up way to fast!

Born August 1, 2001, First Birthday at Nana and Papa, 2nd Birthday,

3rd Birthday, 4th Birthday, 5th Birthday

6th Birthday, Papa Mike got Cade his first bike.

At 7, Cade finally learned how to bike his bike with no training wheels.

I couldn't leave out his kindergarden pictures! First day of kindergarden and graduation.

Cade first year of tackle football. He is playing for his school this year. His practice jersey is #1.

He had his first scrimmage last night. The team has alot to learn, but they are all ready to work on playing better. They have another scrimmage Saturday and then the season begins.

We have picked a date for the baby to be born. I hope I make it that long! I am so ready for the baby to come. We still have a few things to do, because we are definitely not ready for he/she to come yet. We will be!